Stacy Keibler ( full name Stacy Ann-Marie Keibler ) was born on October 14, 1979 in Baltimore, Maryland. Stacy Keibler is an accomplished wrestling star, first lighting it up in the defunct WCW and now causing cardiac arrest in the WWE. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Stacy Keibler naturally gravitated toward physical activity such as dance from childhood. From the age of three Stacy Keibler was involved in ballet, tap and jazz dance, her parents making a commitment to go as far as Stacy's talents would take her. The taste for the spotlight while dancing soon spurred an interest in modeling and acting.With Stacy Keibler's good looks, it was not hard to land modeling gigs in conservative and not-so-conservative publications as she reached adulthood. So St acy Keibler worked as a model and actress as well as a physical therapist technician and a Baltimore Ravens cheerleader before entering the world of wrestling.

Dancing since the age of 3 with a background in ballet,tap and jazz it was easy to see why Stacy became a cheerleader. Stacy Keibler was one of the first Baltimore Ravens cheerleaders, working with the organization for 2 years. Plus Stacy Keibler was also a full time student, pulling in near-perfect grades in Mass Communications at Towson University.Stacy Keibler entered and won the WCW Nitro Girl Search(in 1999), instantly thrusting her into the sports entertainment world with her looks, basic acting skills and physical prowess to go on. With earlier roles that included "Skye" a member of the Nitro Girls and "Ms. Hancock" a secretary, Stacy Keibler emerged as a regular wrestling babe or "Diva". Not only did she enjoy all the extra publicity of being a star (the magazine photo shoots, interviews and star treatment), but she also landed tiny parts in 1999's Liberty Heights and 2001's Bubble Boy. Upon entering the WCW she had an identity crisis for a while.Unfortunately for her the times were changeing in the WCW.
When the WCW was bought out, many thought the 5'11" blonde with legs that measure 41" would disappear, but Stacy Keibler loved the business and muscled her way onto the WWE stage. Now, Stacy Keibler is bigger than ever and plays a prominent role in the WWE.Stacy Keibler has even kept her relationships in house: having alleged flings with David Flair (Ric "Nature Boy" Flair's son) and currently with Andrew Martin, a.k.a. "Test". Whatever she does, we hope she maximizes her exposure so that men worldwide can fully appreciate the extent of Stacy Keibler's "talents."
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